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Be Strong needs YOU and thanks YOU – Serving youth is among the most rewarding and important roles in society. We need the survivors, the allies, the aggressors, supporters, corporate professionals, stakeholders and volunteers to unite for us all to experience restorative change.
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Helpful Resources for Supporters
Four Ways We Avoid Our Feelings—and What to Do Instead
Avoiding our emotions is not good for our mental health.
Gaslighting Phrases That Can Break You—Stop Them Cold
When someone twists reality, these comebacks will help you stand strong.
A 3-Step Roadmap for Decreasing Anxiety
Managing anxiety is about rewiring your brain and taking risks.
If Happiness Is Elusive, Try a Little Contentment Instead
Contentment is different from happiness, and more subtle. Contentment is a basic sense of satisfaction with your life and situation.
Why It Doesn’t Pay to be a People-Pleaser
People-pleasing is guessing what other people want and then acting accordingly. When we pretend to be something we aren’t, we’re out of integrity with ourselves.
Confrontation Doesn’t Need to Be Scary
Confrontation may seem scary, but can actually strengthen your relationships.