To Be a Beacon or to Hold Space
When you are a beacon, you are viewed as a guide and leader for others. And a good leader knows the way, goes the way, and most importantly, shows the way.
When you are a beacon, you are viewed as a guide and leader for others. And a good leader knows the way, goes the way, and most importantly, shows the way.
One thing I do that helps me to be resilient is practicing forgiveness, namely, forgiving myself.
Parents naturally want to take the side of their own children. Thus, what began as a problem between two children escalates into a feud between their parents.
Transitions are tough. Throughout our lifetime, we will pass through the membrane of transition several times. Often times, these transitions show up when we least expect them to, and usually when we don’t want them to.
Do you say “good morning” to strangers? I went for a hike and said “good morning” to just about everyone I passed. About 90% of the instances, I initiated it.
Not all bullying interventions work. So instead of complaining about the school, start working with the school about how to prevent bullying and teaching the kids to be resilient to it.