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Monthly Volunteerism


As a part of the Be Strong family, you are a beacon of light within your community. Join us each month as we engage in social impact volunteerism, anchored in sustainable happiness skills like generosity, gratitude, human connection, mindfulness, positive outlook and purpose to positively impact those around us and ourselves!

This Month’s Social Impact Volunteerism

  1. Tell (10) people how you’re happier when you’re focused on being yourself, instead of comparing yourself to others.
  2. Give sincere compliments (3) friends each week.
  3. Share tips on what you do to build your confidence, like standing tall and using positive affirmations with (5) friends and ask them to share some tips with you as well.
  4. Share a personal story on social about a time you faced a challenge and felt proud afterward. Tag (10) peers and ask them to do the same.
  5. Create a self-love jar. Write notes about things you appreciate about yourself and add them to the jar. Take one out when you need a boost.
  6. Think about any areas of your life you want to make positive changes and think of an emotional “why” connected to that change. (Ex. I want to help others see the good in themselves, as I know it can be easy to feel down on myself sometimes.)
  • Want to share your monthly volunteerism? Tell your story on social + tag @bestrongglobal
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