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Monthly Volunteerism


As a part of the Be Strong family, you are a beacon of light within your community. Join us each month as we engage in social impact volunteerism, anchored in sustainable happiness skills like generosity, gratitude, human connection, mindfulness, positive outlook and purpose to positively impact those around us and ourselves!

This Month’s Social Impact Volunteerism

  1. Share an article on with (5) peers, elaborating on why you found it valuable.
  2. Each day, leave a positive comment on the social media posts of (3) peers to celebrate their unique individuality. Reflect on times you felt peer pressure and made choices you feel good about. Share them with friends and encourage them to do the same.
  3. Each week, remind somebody that they don’t have to do something just because a peer wants them to.
  4. Talk about the kind of person you aspire to be and encourage (2) peers to share who they want to become, focusing on character rather than what they want to achieve.
  5. Each week, nurture your relationships by giving (5) peers a compliment.
  • Want to share your monthly volunteerism? Tell your story on social + tag @bestrongglobal
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