DSW Gives recently unveiled Do Good, their philanthropic holiday campaign. Be Strong joined their Hero Partner and celebrity Do-Gooder Mindy Kaling (pictured above) for the announcement.

This season, DSW is focusing on giving back to those who give year-round: educators and those serving in the military. Teachers spend not only their time, but also their emotional energy and personal financial resources to make a difference in the world. Their contributions are all around us—equipping us to perform in our jobs, enriching our schools and giving back to our children. Educators give essential knowledge to the next generation by presenting their passion and love through service.

DSW encourages our educators, who are constantly giving, to take time to treat themselves. This holiday season, DSW is extending a 15% discount to educators, as well as to our service men and women.

 DSW 15% off_Dec2019  

Doing good and inspiring others to give back is not a new concept for DSW. “We give back to those who give and are proud supporters of those who empower our next generation to be the best versions of themselves, and those who serve or have served in the military,” said Jonica Armstrong, DSW’s Community Relations Manager.

Recently, a student thanked her educator and behavior specialist, Quatiba, for consistently wearing a smile and showing positivity. “You make my days better,” she said.

Quatiba believes in her students and doesn’t ever allow them to think there is a finish line to their accomplishments, “because the line denotes an end, where in life, we are never done making a mark!”

“We hear stories from students all across the country about how much their teachers pour into their lives in meaningful ways,” said Ashleigh Cromer, Be Strong Executive Director. “It’s a pleasure to thank and share this opportunity with our educators. And as a daughter of a veteran who also served as an educator, I’m overjoyed!”

Teachers have the ability to leave a lasting imprint on students’ lives. Emphasizing the relationship formed between student and teacher, Quatiba added, “I call my students ‘my kids’ because in our year together, they aren’t just kids in my class; they become a part of my heart.”

Our fingerprints don’t fade from the lives we touch. Not all heroes wear capes…but they do wear shoes.

Claim your educator/military discount with a valid ID, in stores only, from December 1–31, 2019. To get in on giving back with DSW and Be Strong, visit https://www.dsw.com/en/us/content/philanthropy

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