Be Strong teamed up with LG to honor, thank and give back to six families who truly personify the six sustainable happiness skills. Through their generosity, gratitude, passion for human connection, mindfulness, positive outlook and lives of purpose, these families bring value and love to everyone they encounter. Together, with LG, we are honored to recognize and gift them each with an entire home appliance upgrade. More than mere machines, these new appliances will help to simplify daily life and sustain and increase the ways in which these selfless families serve their local communities.

“Focus on what you’ve got. If you focus on the things you don’t have, it’ll distract you from everything that’s right there in front of you.”

Positive Outlook (noun)
The quality or fact of maintaining an optimistic prospect for the future, expecting good
things to happen.
When single momma, Glenda, watched her only son, Matthew, walk out onto that stage for the first time, for his very first cheer competition, she didn’t plan to be impacted in the way that she was. “It just doesn’t hit you. It just can’t hit you until they show you,” she recalled.
Once their routine starts, the disabilities that some might think would hold this particular group of kids back, no longer define them. Their special needs don’t separate or isolate them. In this moment, they aren’t anything other than a team – a unit. When Matthew is on that stage, he is stable and grounded. Others rely on him for safety, to catch them. Glenda’s only desire has always been to create that same stability in Matthew’s home life. Watching him with his teammates reinforced this in her and has grown into so much more. Glenda now coaches on Matthew’s cheerleading team and is on a mission to make cheerleading affordable for all.
You don’t have to have much to be someone who cheers others on, it’s all already in your heart. Even as Glenda navigates parenting amid a global pandemic and faces her own medical challenges that go unattended due to doctors’ obligations to prioritize Covid-19, she manages to look onward with positivity and true resiliency.
Being team Glenda and Matthew means the inclusion of so many others. Their territory reaches far beyond themselves and their Atlanta apartment, where their buildings’ community washer and dryer has been closed since March. Gifting her family brand new appliances to take care of each other with will ease the stressors of the unknown ahead. With that space and energy freed up within her, the possibilities are profound. Used cheerleading uniforms she collects for those who can’t afford new ones will be washed and ready for a child whose circumstances are out of their control. Such a simple act brings such a high reward info youth in their hometown.

“Focus on what you’ve got. If you focus on the things you don’t have, it’ll distract you from everything that’s right there in front of you.”
Positive Outlook (noun)
The quality or fact of maintaining an optimistic prospect for the future, expecting good things to happen.
When single momma, Glenda, watched her only son, Matthew, walk out onto that stage for the first time, for his very first cheer competition, she didn’t plan to be impacted in the way that she was. “It just doesn’t hit you. It just can’t hit you until they show you,” she recalled.
Once their routine starts, the disabilities that some might think would hold this particular group of kids back, no longer define them. Their special needs don’t separate or isolate them. In this moment, they aren’t anything other than a team – a unit. When Matthew is on that stage, he is stable and grounded. Others rely on him for safety, to catch them. Glenda’s only desire has always been to create that same stability in Matthew’s home life. Watching him with his teammates reinforced this in her and has grown into so much more. Glenda now coaches on Matthew’s cheerleading team and is on a mission to make cheerleading affordable for all.
You don’t have to have much to be someone who cheers others on, it’s all already in your heart. Even as Glenda navigates parenting amid a global pandemic and faces her own medical challenges that go unattended due to doctors’ obligations to prioritize Covid-19, she manages to look onward with positivity and true resiliency.
Being team Glenda and Matthew means the inclusion of so many others. Their territory reaches far beyond themselves and their Atlanta apartment, where their buildings’ community washer and dryer has been closed since March. Gifting her family brand new appliances to take care of each other with will ease the stressors of the unknown ahead. With that space and energy freed up within her, the possibilities are profound. Used cheerleading uniforms she collects for those who can’t afford new ones will be washed and ready for a child whose circumstances are out of their control. Such a simple act brings such a high reward info youth in their hometown.