From Hong Kong, meet Be Strong Student Reps Karina, Jess, Vereta, Nick, Nell, Andre, Matteo M. & Matteo A., Be Strong’s November 2019 Students of the Month!
South Island School is highly diverse campus, with approximately 1,400 students representing more than 38 nationalities. Welcoming many new students throughout each year, from nearly as many countries, requires a dedicated, hands-on approach.
Each of this month’s featured students is a member of the school’s Head Prefect team, and assigned key roles of responsibility to serve the school and their fellow students. As chief representatives of the student body, each of the Head Prefects assists and oversees a team of eight, who spend their time welcoming, guiding, mentoring and supporting other students.
To further support and enhance their on-going efforts, Andre, Jess, Karina, Matteo A., Matteo M., Nell, Nick & Vereta have all become Be Strong Student Representatives this semester. Ready to do whatever it takes to promote inclusion, kindness and prevent social isolation at their one-of-a-kind school, they’ve teamed up with Be Strong to launch an official We Dine Together initiative and implement Be Strong’s many free resources.
“Our team has been really busy at the start of the school year, supporting new students and parents, as they settle into our school community, and helping to showcase our school values to prospective parents,” said Fran Crouch, Head of Learning at SIS. “In addition to being ambassadors, they have ensured that the student body feels safe and cared for on a daily basis. They and their teams circulate around the school’s public areas during every breaktime, ready to talk, help, and generally interact with younger students.”
“They are the lifeblood of our school – the living proof of the values here, at South Island School.The ways in which our Head team chooses to Be Strong are countless. Next week, for example, Jess, Matteo M., and their teams will be camping with our 214 ten- and eleven-year-old students, enforcing positive outlook and action, teaching them to make a difference -for themselves and others,” added Ms. Crouch.

Click here to nominate your inspiring student for Be Strong’s Student State Representative program and We Dine Together initiative.