From Delray Beach, meet Florida Rep Aniyah, Be Strong’s February 2020 Student of the Month!
“Everyone is unique and beautiful in their own way. Instead of turning someone down because of their differences, I choose to Be Strong and embrace their differences.” – Aniyah
Every school in the world needs at least one student like Aniyah. Academically, she drives discussion in class, offering valuable insight and mind-opening questions, then opening the floor to her peers. This is huge, as it humbly reminds classmates that what they have to say is important, too; that they matter.
Aniyah is an incredibly strong link in a growing chain of change-makers from her school in Delray Beach, Florida. Be Strong Student Rep alumni, JJ and Jackson, previously attended Aniyah’s school, walking the same halls and spreading a similar message of acceptance and hope to roughly 2,400 peers. We are all very excited to see that baton passed to Aniyah in the 2019/2020 academic year.
“Aniyah is unafraid to stand up for what she believes is right,” said her teacher, Mrs. Loulis. “She goes above and beyond for the sake of others. I have witnessed her act as an upstander for other students.”
At home, Aniyah takes great pride in being the best she can be – for her family. She’s an amazing role model, teaching her siblings the value of treating others with respect, and never giving up.
“I choose to Be Strong by using my voice to stick up for others.” – Aniyah
Aniyah has always wanted to be an integral part of something bigger than herself. This spring, she’ll be starting a We Dine Together initiative on her school campus to close the gap between social circles, working against social isolation. Isolation has a number of negative, long-term effects, including depression, anxiety and hopelessness. Aniyah will lead the group in resilience training, kindness campaigns on campus and more, all with the goal of making their school more accepting and inclusive for all.
When faced with adversity, Aniyah stays not only strong, but mature. Even the toughest of circumstances can’t get the best of her. She is fearless and looks forward to continuously igniting positive change in her peers and her world!

Click here to nominate your inspiring student for Be Strong’s Student State Representative program and We Dine Together initiative.