Meet William, Be Strong’s National Student Volunteer Spotlight!

Like all young people, William is striving to understand how he strengthens his community. He is a strong, kind, empathetic 16-year-old from New York, who loves to help others, and is passionate about learning and theatre.

William and his 3,865 fellow Be Strong Student Representatives and local peer groups – representing all 50 states – work relentlessly to help their peers and communities.

About his fellow Student Reps, William explained, “Although I feel honored to share my personal story for the sake of helping others, I believe every member of Be Strong deserves to share this title of ‘student of the month’. They may have endured hardships like me, picked themselves up and kept going. They have helped others or gained the strength to stand up for themselves or talk to someone about what happened to them. It is a long, hard process, and it takes considerable courage.”

One in four young people in the US experiencing relentless bullying, 29% struggle with a mental illness and less than 50% get help, with 9% attempting to die by suicide. The leadership, volunteerism, and courage of students like William are saving and improving lives. William has experienced bullying because he was seen as being different. While navigating high school, he desired to find a place where he could help others however, he was in a school environment where mental health wasn’t a topic discussed.

Looking back to elementary and middle school, he remembered thinking, “Please stop pushing, calling kids names, or teasing them about how fast they can run, the color of their skin, or who they choose to love. We are all equals, no matter what you say.”

In 2022, William was nominated to become a Be Strong Student State Representative. The Be Strong team was moved by his nomination and eager to work with him as he strengthens his community. His goal was to bring mental health and bullying to the forefront of his community’s dialogue, while creating strong relationships with his peers.

He is now dedicated to making sure others know they’re not alone, and help is available.

“I talk, and if I see someone who looks like they are alone or sad, I try to sit with them. I am more outgoing since joining Be Strong,” he shared. “Too many kids don’t want to go to school because of bullying. They are trying to fix their problems with drugs, gangs, or dropping out. No one should fear school. I would love to make that happen for me, my brother, and everyone else I can reach.”

Where he once found it difficult to make friends, William now seeks opportunities to make others feel seen and heard.

“I have realized that high school is not a popularity contest with anyone but rather a test to see which kids have figured out that kindness and empathy mean more,” William shared. “Through tragedy rises triumph and I am proud to speak up for myself or anyone else. I am here to listen to someone who just needs a friend.”

“Be Strong gives a safe haven for children and teens. It builds self-confidence, and most importantly, it shows that we all have more in common with each other than we ever imagined,” he said.


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To nominate a student to lead change with Be Strong’s innovative student volunteer program, visit today

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