Student of the Month: Washington State Rep Nicholas

Student of the Month: Washington State Rep Nicholas

“I know it’s easy to sit back and watch people be bullies on the internet, but it’s our responsibility to say something, do something, and be strong.” – Nicholas Nicholas, our Washington State rep has been nominated as our September Student of the Month! Check...
Student of the Month: Iowa State Rep Kaylee

Student of the Month: Iowa State Rep Kaylee

“I’m helping by doing the little stuff that WILL make a difference!” – Kaylee Kaylee, our Neola, Iowa State rep has been nominated as our September Student of the Month! Check out how Kaylee created a campaign for positive behavior and inclusivity that...
Resolutions or Resolve?

Resolutions or Resolve?

Last year I made a commitment to have resolve. Resolutions are a good beginning, but without resolve and conviction, they are just thoughts and hopes.

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