The Beauty of Being DIFFerent

The Beauty of Being DIFFerent

In today’s world, society tends to judge. Every young person needs to know they are amazing, strong and capable of greatness.

November 2019 Students of the Month

November 2019 Students of the Month

From Hong Kong, meet Be Strong Student Reps Karina, Jess, Vereta, Nick, Nell, Andre, Matteo M. & Matteo A., Be Strong’s November 2019 Students of the Month!

Be Strong Hero Partner, DSW, Launches $150,000 Fundraiser

Be Strong Hero Partner, DSW, Launches $150,000 Fundraiser

A company celebrating individuality and a student-led movement, working to create an inclusive future for all – what a pair! Back-to-school is kicking off with the largest fundraiser in Be Strong history! Last weekend, Designer Shoe Warehouse (DSW), Be Strong’s HERO...

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