Student of the Month: North Carolina State Rep Ammarah
Check out how North Carolina State Rep Ammarah, our Be Strong Student of the Month for March, chooses to spread a message of and positivity.
Check out how North Carolina State Rep Ammarah, our Be Strong Student of the Month for March, chooses to spread a message of and positivity.
Fear tells us that we’re about to go through something difficult without guidance, and that we are alone. Fear loves it when we don’t move.
Don’t hold yourself back from your greatness just because you’ve made some mistakes or because other people – or life – has hurt you.
Our Massachusetts State Rep Lauren has been awarded Be Strong Student of the Month for January. Check out how she chooses to Be Strong!
Every human being on the planet has automatic negative thoughts. And the one idea I want you to open your mind to while reading this, is that you are the boss of those negative thoughts.